Business Network Lenten Retreat

Bringing Salesian Spirituality to Work

Do we feel fulfilled in our careers and life in general?  Are we living as people of faith in this modern world? How can we bring Salesian Spirituality to our professional lives more?

The Oblates of St. Francis de Sales Business Network invites you to dedicate a few hours this Lent to explore these questions as you pray together with professionals who are also trying to Live Jesus! as St. Francis de Sales taught. This retreat blends fellowship, reflection, and workshop so you leave with direction for the future.

Please join us and bring a friend!

Saturday, April 5th

10:00 AM-12:30 PM

Mother Boniface Spirituality Center
3501 Solly Avenue, Philadelphia, PA

$30 Lunch included

Dress code is casual

Deacon Bill Koniers

About the Keynote Speaker

Deacon Bill Koniers is a native of Northeast Philadelphia and is married to his wife Jeanne. They celebrated their 50th gold wedding anniversary in June 2024. Their two adult children, Marianne Salerno and Jim Koniers now live in Springfield and Red Lion, PA respectively.  Dn. Bill and Jeanne have been blessed with eight grandchildren.

Relocated by the General Electric Company to Fairfield County, CT in 1984, Deacon Bill spent  37 years there where he enjoyed a most distinguished business career as a senior executive in several Fortune 100 and diverse industries. In 2004, he was ordained to the Permanent Diaconate in the Diocese of Bridgeport (CT) and has been a member of the clergy for two decades. He became a subject matter expert for his competency of introducing cloud technology to the US Catholic Church beginning in 2006.

Dn. Bill and Jeanne returned home to their beloved Philadelphia area in Delaware County, PA in 2021 and they now reside in Springfield, PA. Dn Bill serves as a Deacon in Our Lady of Peace Parish in Milmont Park. He was inducted into the Father Judge Hall of Fame in 2001 in recognition of his very successful business career. He has been an Oblate Business Network member since its inception in the early 1970s.  Like many other members, he enjoyed having the late Rev. Bill Guerin, OSFS, as his mentor for many years and has realized the many benefits of the network, started by Fr. Guerin.



The Oblates of St. Francis de Sales Business Network offers opportunities for spiritual and professional growth for Gospel-minded people in the spirit of St. Francis de Sales. The Network hosts Networking Breakfasts, Happy Hours, Lenten Retreat & Rev. William A. Guerin, OSFS, Memorial Dinner Dance!

Continuing the work of the beloved Fr. Bill Guerin, OSFS, the Business Network is designed for business professionals to connect with each other to build and deepen relationships. Just as “Fr. G” did the men and women of the Network support each other’s professional and spiritual growth.

The Network also raises funds to support retired and infirm Oblates of St. Francis de Sales.


Business Network Breakfast - April 25


31st Rev. William A. Guerin, OSFS Memorial Dinner Dance