Mary’s Travelers & Shrine of Our Lady of the Highways
A spiritual community dedicated to Mary and her special intercession!
A spiritual community dedicated to Mary and her special intercession!
Mary’s Travelers invoke the protection of Christ's Mother on all our journeys.
We are a community united in devotion to Mary and call on her to keep us, our loved ones, and all travelers under her heavenly protection.
The Shrine to Our Lady of the Highways
Built on the Oblates’ property in Childs, MD, the Shrine is best viewed onInterstate I-95 North near mile marker 104 as a memorial and reminder to drive safely.
How Mary’s Travelers Began…
Shrine of Our Lady of the Highways - Eric Stocklin Photography
After a tragic automobile accident on Interstate 95 in the late 1960s, the Oblates erected a shrine named Our Lady of the Highways.
Thus began a spiritual movement that asks Mary, the Mother of Jesus, to intercede and protect travelers all over the country. This became known as Mary’s Travelers and is a way the Oblates and their supporters have helped people on the road of life for more than 50 years
Why a Shrine to Mary beside the highway?
In 1968, on a foggy October night, seven automobiles collided on Interstate 95, just a few yards from an Oblate house. Many Oblates assisted the injured and dying on this busy highway.
Later, the Oblates erected a statue of Our Lady as a tribute to those who died, and as a reminder to all motorists to drive safely. This monument was dedicated as a Shrine to Our Lady of the Highways to invoke Mary, Christ's mother, as the protector of travelers.
Thus began a spiritual movement that asks the Mother of Jesus, to intercede and protect travelers across the country. This became known as Mary’s Travelers and is a way the Oblates and their supporters have helped people on the road of life.
The original statue was 5 feet tall made of cement. This was replaced in 1986 with a 12-foot-tall marble statue, carved out from Carrara marble.
The late Very Rev. John J. Conmy, OSFS, blesses the statue with Rev. John J. Fuqua, OSFS. Joined by novices and brothers of the novitiate in 1972.
Join Mary’s Travelers!
Why Join?
Members of Mary’s Travelers promote devotion to the Mother of God as a way to encourage careful and prayerful journeys. Members strive to make the ordinary, routine activity of travel - physical or spiritual - an act of love for God.
In the tradition of St. Francis de Sales, travelers make their journeys “holy” by doing it in a spirit of love, always being mindful of others.
Membership Benefits
Membership card with travel prayer, remembrance by Oblates in special Masses throughout the year, invitation to the Annual Oblate Memorial Mass, Mary's Travelers Newsletter, Mary’s Travelers car decal.
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