“Let us do everything in a spirit of peace and love!… let us walk and even run in the way of God's Divine Will, not letting ourselves be pulled and pushed about like puppets.”
St. Francis de Sales
Salesian Spirituality
Salesian Spirituality
A way of living the Gospel as learned, lived, and shared by St. Francis de Sales (1567–1622) and St. Jane de Chantal (1572–1641), Salesian Spirituality is characterized by what Francis called “the little virtues” such as gentleness, patience, and humility and the idea that all people are called to holiness.
This spirituality is a practical, intentional way of living a devout life by doing all through love and nothing through force. Salesian Spirituality teaches us to engage in heart-to-heart relationships with God and others. It encourages us to embrace fully the present moment and to not look forward to the future with anxiety but to place the future in God’s loving providence.
St. Francis invites us to “live Jesus” - to place Jesus at the very center of our being and, in so doing, approach each person gently and humbly. To live Jesus is to do the ordinary, everyday activities of life with a great passion and great love for God and others.
From his way of life and through his teachings, Francis, the gentleman saint, offers practical wisdom and an inspired message of common sense that Oblates love to share. This is the heart of what we do.
You will find in St. Francis a friend who understands life and offers gentle ways to live your Christian call to holiness. Oblates believe that by living each day well, we are doing God’s will and building up the Body of Christ.
How Do Oblates “Live Jesus” through Salesian Spirituality?
The primary way that Oblates live our spirituality is through our numerous ministries. The videos below offer personal testimonials by Oblates.
Fr. Joe Newman, OSFS, Provincial of the Toledo-Detroit Province reflects on his journey from growing up in Toledo, OH, to becoming Provincial Superior of the Oblates in the Toledo-Detroit Province. He shares profound insights on spirituality, the significance of unconditional love, the freedom to choose one’s vocation, and how he came to be an Oblate.
This episode of Open Seat, hosted by Katie Love, Director of Faith Formation at Holy Family Parish, also delves into the unique and rich history of the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales, their global presence, and their charism.
Fr. Joseph Newman, OSFS
Fr. Alexander Pocetto, OSFS
Fr. David Whalen, OSFS
Bro. Joe Schodowski, OSFS

Pope Francis’ Encyclical: Dilexit nos
Spiritual Reflections
“May we love as Jesus did with a love that is kind, universal, compassionate, courageous, and self-forgetful!”
St. Jane de Chantal
“Live Jesus”
This was the guiding principle in the life of Saint Francis de Sales and appeared on his own coat of arms. The motto is situated in the center of the Rising Sun, which symbolizes the Risen Christ. Living Jesus is what the Oblate way of life is all about. The small Cross shows the "way" this is achieved is through total self-abnegation. This was the life-long goal of Saint Francis de Sales - and it is the raison d' etre of our Oblate life and work.

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