DeSales University Graduation
Congratulations to the DeSales University Class of 2024! Fr. Jack Kolodziej, OSFS, Provincial of the Wilimington-Philadelphia Province presented the Provincial Medal of Honor to Jaimason Lacasse. Thank you to Fr. Jim Greenfield, OSFS, for his leadership at DSU and to all Oblates who administer including Fathers Kevin Nadolski, Douglas Burns, and Shaju Kanjiramparayil. Your guidance and teachings help DSU students “Be who (they) are and be that well!”
Fr. Jack Kolodziej, OSFS, with Provincial Medal winner Jaimason Lacasse.
Fr. Jack Kolodziej, OSFS, with Salesianum grad Bill MacCormac after he received his diploma from DSU.
A Prayer for all Graduates
Loving God, we thank you for all who graduate from grade school, high school and college this time of the year. You have blessed them during their years in school with wisdom, friendships, and skills. You continue to challenge them to make this world a better place because of their education.
Help them to look forward to their next steps: continuing in their education or entering the work world. Particularly help those who are seeking employment to find a job suitable to their education.
Give them faith and a sense of purpose in their next steps.
Show them how to serve others in effective ways.
And may they always be aware in everything they do that they will find fulfillment in doing your will, that you will be with them always, and that you will bring to completion the good work you have begun in them.