One Thing Left

Fr. Joe Newman, OSFS, with a student from his Salesian Leadership class.

At this very moment, my students in our Salesian Leadership class are preparing presentations drawing upon Fr. Thomas Dailey's, OSFS, book, Live Today Well.  Based upon our Oblate rule of life, the Spiritual Directory, Fr. Dailey provides a practical strategy to unite oneself with God throughout the day.  When does this strategy start?  It begins at the beginning, with our rising.  How do we wake up?

Take a moment and reflect, “What are your first thoughts when you wake up in the morning?”  I asked a few people this question, here are their answers:

  • Oh, can I do it all over again?

  • I didn’t get enough sleep!

  • I don’t have enough time today!

  • Who should I text (snap) first?

  • Five more minutes.

  • What day is it?

  • Father, I don’t have any thoughts.

My student, Brent, decided to present this chapter about rising.  He did an excellent job capturing St. Francis’ insight: when we awake, direct our first thought to God and use a short passage from scripture to do this.  After presenting, Brent asked me, “Father, is there anything I’m missing?”  “Oh,” I said, “There is only one thing left… Do it.”  Brent checks in with the class every day.  Some mornings he remembers, others he forgets.  Such is the spiritual journey!  I give him great credit for persevering again and again.

I can relate to Brent, my morning thoughts often focus on deficit - not enough time, sleep, or energy.  I’ve lost the practice of thinking of God.  Brent has inspired me to try again.  I will invite him to ask me, “Father, did you think of God this morning?”

With prayer, there is only one thing left…do it.

May God be Praised!   

Fr. Joe Newman, OSFS
Toledo-Detroit Province



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