The Rule of Life

Today the Church remembers St. Benedict. Benedict is considered one of the founders of the monastic tradition in the Christian tradition.  A “rule of life” is essential to any form of monasticism.  “The Rule of St. Benedict” was written to help the monks focus on prayer and work in a sacred space and in a set schedule. His rule offered people a balanced and simple strategy to embrace their faith and follow the Lord.  Benedict called his method a “rule for beginners” and described it as a “simple handbook to make the very radical demands of the gospel a practical reality in daily life.”  Benedict gave the Church a basic guide for living the Christian life.  To this day, most religious communities can trace their rhythms and rules to Benedict and his spirit of contemplation, cloister, and service.   

Following a rule of life is not something that is specific to religious orders.  All of us tend to follow certain patterns and paths as we navigate the road of life.  We use a set of customs, practices, and guidelines that we have gathered from different sources or used in specific situations. We look to signposts to point us in the right direction. We seek assistance from family and friends to help us on our journey. 

As a young man, Francis de Sales developed his own rule of life to give him direction and strengthen his devotion to the Gospel.  As he faced the challenges and temptations of college and career, he prepared a plan to live like Jesus.  This rule became the basis for his “Spiritual Directory” that helped him unite to God and his neighbor each day.  

Years later, when he and Jane de Chantal founded the Visitation Order, he took the “Spiritual Directory” and expanded it to guide the sisters in their quest for holiness.  The Visitation rules did not emphasize external austerity and penance but interior simplicity and joy. The spirit of the Visitation brought out the best of the monastic tradition by harmonizing head and heart.

While most of us will not be monks or nuns, all of us are called to holiness.  We may not have an official rule of life, but we all can find a strategy and standard to guide us on our journey.  The spirituality of St. Francis de Sales is a practical plan and an accessible way we can follow the Gospel and the call to conversion. Finding God in the ordinary moments and actions of daily life can lead us to perfection.

During these days of summer, as we find time to rest and relax, perhaps we can find time to consider the rhythms and patterns of our life.  How do we structure our lives to respond to God’s life? How do we shape our story to be Good News? What is your vision for the future? What will be your rule of life?

Fr. Jack Kolodziej, OSFS

Fr. Jack Kolodziej, OSFS


Wilmington-Philadelphia Province


Doing the Ordinary Extraordinarily