A Trip That Changed My Life
Feast Week Mass: Salesian Reflection
Allison Scheiner
Visitation Academy, ‘25
Hello, For those of you who don't know me, my name is Allie Scheiner, and I'm a senior. This summer I had the privilege of participating in the Annecy Pilgrimage with Visitation Academy, and it is an understatement to say that the trip changed my life.
When I arrived in Annecy for the first time, the only thing I could focus on was the city's serenity. It seemed as though every piece of nature was sprouting some delicate flower. Safe to say, it was a large change from St. Louis, Missouri. Even the buildings in Annecy seemed to be perfectly imperfect. While I innately understood that the city was special, it was not until later in the trip that the true purpose of why God had brought me here sunk in.
On the fourth day, we visited the Visitation Sisters at the Basilica of the Visitation and after seeing the sisters' relationships with each other, I finally understood God's reason for bringing me to Annecy. The day started the same as the others, and even on the long journey up to the Basilica, I still could only reflect on the beauty of Annecy. Once we reached the church, the sisters' faces lit up as they welcomed us into their convent, a big deal considering they are cloistered nuns. I was immediately overwhelmed by how joyful and full of life they were despite their simplicity. But what stuck with me was their relationships with each other. Despite the stereotype that nuns are rigid and strict, these sisters were the furthest thing from that. They were bounding with energy as they toured us around their lands.
After the enthusiastic tour, we split into three groups to perform service for the sisters. I was placed into group three, and we were tasked with weeding the sister's garden and gathering leeks for their dinner that night. Between gardening breaks, I noticed how the sisters would playfully joke and tease one another. While this action may seem simple to us, it's not the same case for them. The sisters in Annecy are from different countries across the world, like France, Mexico, Canada, Nigeria, and many more. Simple tasks that required communication suddenly became much more difficult due to the significant language barrier between most of them. Despite these challenges, each sister made a strong effort to learn the other's language.
Additionally, all the sisters were extremely patient with one another when they struggled to formulate the right words. After finishing up our tasks and saying goodbye, we embarked on the long and hot walk back down to our hotel. But this time, instead of focusing on the beauty of the town, I could only admire the relationships the sisters had formed with each other. It finally made me realize why God had brought me here. He wanted to show me that it was not how many followers I had, how many new clothes I could buy, or what score I got on a test that would provide me with happiness. It is my relationships that would ultimately fulfill me.
As the hotel came into sight, I focused on my own relationships: my family, who always supports me; my teachers, who strive to give me the best education; and finally, my wonderful classmates, who are always quick to lend a helping hand or show a smile. As I walked into the lobby, I made sure to thank God for all the blessings He has placed in my life.