Carrying Christmas With Us

Christmas Mass: Salesian Reflection
James Conte
Father Judge High School 2025 

Good Morning Father Judge. My name is James Conte and I was asked to speak today prior to celebrating the wonderful holiday we call Christmas. To prepare our hearts for Christmas, I would like to talk about and help you all reflect on some things.

First off, how is Christmas not just about gifts, but rather how Jesus comes into our lives? Well, from a personal perspective, Jesus comes into our lives during Christmas especially because of the way we (Father Judge) as a community help others. From the Toys for Tots drives, the posters our school sent to the veterans, and the many other fundraisers our school and other schools did to help the less fortunate than us. Not only this but also the little things we do for others every day. 

Some examples of this would be holding the door for someone in the hallway, asking people how their day went and then actually listening to them, being a good friend, and treating others the way you want to be treated.

These are all ways Jesus comes into our lives, not only during Christmas time but all the time. Jesus, Himself, is not always a legitimate physical aspect, but actually how He lives through us. 

In what other ways do you think Jesus comes into your life in other ways. Secondly, Jesus’ birth is a sign of hope for a world that needs a message. What is that message? Well, for me, the message is the golden rule. “Treat others the way you want to be treated.” This goes back to how Jesus comes into our lives and allows us to help others. Jesus’ birth gives us hope that if we were in a situation where we needed help from others, we would receive it.

Finally, for the Father Judge community, we are here right now to follow Jesus. Although we are about to have Mass, I want you to think about how you follow Jesus outside of school. It doesn’t always have to be praying or going to church, but acting like Jesus is another way to follow Him. Do you help others less fortunate than you? Do you treat others the way you want to be treated? Are you kind to everyone? Think about this for a minute before we start, and then try and connect that with the way you spend the rest of your time during the holiday season. 

Merry Christmas Father Judge. Live today well!


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