Learning to “Live Jesus”

Mass of the Holy Spirit: Salesian Reflection
Garrett Lewis
Salesianum School 2025 

Good Morning Salesianum, my name is Garrett Lewis. I’m a member of this year's senior class. It’s weird to think that it’s my time to sit in those bleachers, even though it feels like I was just running through the hallway on my freshman orientation day. 

In the reading from St. Paul to the Corinthians, it says, “As a body is one though it has many parts, and all the parts of the body, though many, are one body…” This school, the teachers and staff, the students, the stadiums, and the fields, all fall under one name: Salesianum. The opportunities at this school are endless. One week you could be battling robots with the robotics club, and then the next you could be playing frisbee golf at Abessinio. To me, Salesianum is so much more than a school. In these short three years, I’ve made connections that will last a lifetime, found my passion for photography, and handfuls of other things and events that have shaped me to be the person I am today. 

Whether it’s your 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or last year here, you have to make the most of it. Even if some of the traditions here might seem confusing at the time, later, looking back you’ll understand the significance and value of being a part of what we call “the brotherhood.” Similar to the reading, the Friday night football games, lettermen losing their voice, freshmen tailgates, homecoming, Salsthon, or any other event we may have this year, are all parts of our experience as brothers. 

As a kid, I never liked going to school because it felt like a chore. Now, I’m excited to walk through those doors and see my friends, expand my knowledge, and experience what this school has to offer. Some days aren’t always exciting or notable, but it’s all a part of the Sallies experience. As St. Francis de Sales once wrote, "Nothing is small in the service of God." And in the same way, it's often the little, everyday interactions that little by little make the biggest difference. The person I am today is all thanks to my friends, family, and most importantly, this school. Whenever someone asks me about Sallies, I get this feeling of gratitude and appreciation because I get to say I’m a part of this community. 

The Holy Spirit calls us all to follow the teachings of Jesus. Learning to “Live Jesus” is a very important part of student life here. Everything we do is an extension of Living Jesus. Our time here, on and off the field, in and out of the classroom, all falls into our mission. Each year brings new challenges and new opportunities. To the Freshmen: even though it might be overwhelming to start at a school like this, the time you’ll spend here is very valuable. 4 years seems like a long time but at the end of the day, it’s only a small part of your journey. That’s what makes this school so special. In 4 years, the impact it has is immense. Sophomores, the Bible’s you’re getting today will stay with you until you graduate. They stand for something much bigger than yourself. Each Bible represents not only faithfulness in God, but also your commitment to this school. The Juniors are halfway through their time and are about to go into probably their hardest year here, especially starting the college process. You will doubt yourself and beat yourself up over your grades but know that your brothers and teachers will always have your back and will do their best to help you succeed. Now, the seniors. Spending the past 3 years with you guys has been nothing short of amazing. Look at some of the people we’ve got. Brady McBride dropping dimes to some of the best receivers in Delaware, Ethan Walther in a different state basically every weekend setting national records, Michael Guarino tearing up math league, Henry Hollis, the circuit champion at the Winter Equestrian Festival, TJ Horseman and his guitar, Mitch Cummings making a name for himself on the lacrosse field, and so many more. If I listed every person that betters our community, we'd be here all day. All of us are what make this place so special. I'm thankful for each and every one of you because now it’s our turn to lead the school and make our last year truly memorable. On top of this, it is our responsibility to set an example for our younger brothers to follow in our footsteps and do their best. 

Throughout this last year it will be my goal to make the most of it and make memories that will last a lifetime. Thank you Salesianum.

Live Jesus.


Gratitude for Guidance


Evolving Through Salesian Virtues