"He who preaches with love, preaches effectively.”
St. Francis de Sales
Wisdom From St. Leonie Aviat, OSFS
Let us work for the happiness of others.
Retreat resolution: To forget myself entirely.
May my love unceasingly offer something to my divine Jesus.
Keep the Savior with you in your day-to-day challenges; he will be your strength.
When a soul is meek and humble, she has peace and gives it to others.
Great courage and great peace of heart near the Savior who loves you and will take care of you.
May my offering be so complete, O my God, that my happiness will consist in sacrificing my will and desires to you.
Go often to rest your heart near the tabernacle; you will find there the necessary strength and graces to go more surely along the path of fidelity.
When we remain under God’s glance, we are at peace in the midst of tribulations.
Do not be afraid! God will show you, to the hour and moment, what you should say and what you should do.
My God, make my heart attentive to your requests and generous to give them to you.
My God, you give me only one impulse: that of going to you in all things, not to act alone, but always in union with your divine Heart.
Communicate your strength and generosity to me; may I draw my life from you, for it is not from me. O risen love, animate me; sustain me; direct me.
Our Savior, who has always taken you by the hand in order to show you the little path to follow, will be faithful to place you in good hands. Let us pray and hope, knowing how to await the hour of God.
Continue to entrust everything to God, absolutely everything you have to do, so that he may teach you more and more the happiness of living in union with him.
The good God loves you; rejoice in this and be more and more determined to do all he asks you to do.
May my devotedness for souls know no limits, so that in all my actions, both interior and exterior, I may show you my love, that I may understand you and love you, O my Jesus!
How good it is to follow step by step the way God shows us to go.
Let us become strong souls, brave in combat and brave in suffering.
Let us surrender our souls to our Lord so that he may accomplish his divine will in each of us.
Go to our Lord with confidence to receive all from him and to do all with him.
Let us abandon ourselves with absolute confidence to the divine will.
God does not try us beyond our strength. When he sends difficulty, he adds the means of overcoming it.
Lord, may I do nothing without being united to you.
Let us establish a permanent Springtime in our hearts, saying ‘yes’ to all God’s permissions and wills.
When we work for God, nothing is small.
Let us know how to remain faithful and calm during the storm; let us wait with confidence and abandonment for the Savior’s help and his light which will be our strength.
God always comes to our assistance at the moment we need him.
Suffering brings us closer to our good Savior.
I formed the habit of never approaching anyone without casting a glance at our Lord. Try my little method; I can assure you it is a good one.
Let grace act in your soul and love to follow its least movement.
Come closer and closer to God by willingly making the small sacrifices you encounter.
Lord I am yours; do with me what you will.
Do not be preoccupied with the future; God is in charge of it.
May your soul taste all the happiness there is in doing the will of God generously.
Be very generous in sacrifice so as to obtain the grace to love and serve God well.
You know that confidence and abandonment obtain everything from the Heart of Jesus.
O divine Spirit, I give my heart and my soul; envelop me. Make me live no longer except in you; may I be only one with you.
O my God, make my heart attentive to your requests and generous to give them to you.
My God, you give me only one impulse, that of going to you in all things, not to act alone, but always in union with your divine Heart.
May the Holy Spirit fill me with love for my neighbor, and with pliability. May I be detached from myself in order to attach myself to God alone.
Prayer is a bond which never breaks.
Pray to your good angels; use them as messengers in your little joys and sufferings.
God always comes to our assistance in the necessary moment.
Do not lose courage in turmoil. Jesus is there and he will always be there to help you to remain confident and obedient.
Let us pray and hope, knowing how to await the hour of God.
Count on the help of our Lord; he will never fail you. Enter into the way that is traced for you with all confidence.
The Savior loves us greatly when we give him our will without reserve.
My God, I accept, I love, I desire the persons and things just as you arrange them for me.
Our good Jesus always puts grace where he puts a sacrifice.
Our good Master never lets himself be outdone in generosity. He gives back one hundred fold what we sacrifice to him.
What a sad time we are living through! Fortunately, God counts each thing and loves to bring us back to the Savior by increasing our little merit for heaven.
Go often to rest your heart near the tabernacle; you will find there the necessary strength and graces to go more surely along the little path of fidelity.
There is no distance for souls. Whether far or near, they feel and understand how to unite themselves with God, to love and serve Him.
May prayer and the union of our souls bring us together in the Savior’s Heart.
Charity can be understood only in the practice of humility.
Let us not be too prompt to demand what we want from others, for our Lord is patient with us.
Let us love to give our heart anew each morning.
You will often cast a merciful and loving glance on your poor little beggar, O Jesus. I will ask for the alms of love for all those I love and for all the souls who are dear to me.
Our protectors in heaven watch over you and will always obtain for you the grace of the moment. Fidelity will give you the light to deal with things from within and from without.
I want, O my God, to be ready from now on to respond to the slightest request of your love.
Communicate your strength and generosity to me; may I draw my life from you, for it does not come from me. O risen love, animate me, sustain me, direct me.
Give without counting; become more and more the little instrument which is at the disposition of the Savior in everything and for everything.
Let us confidently leave God to prepare the way, smooth all difficulties, and destroy all obstacles; let us have only a very delicate fidelity to all he asks of us.
Our Savior, who has always taken you by the hand in order to show you the little path to follow, will be faithful to place you in good hands. Let us pray and have hope, knowing how to await the hour of God.
Our Lord does not let himself be outdone in generosity. He will make you feel more sure than ever that the soul who entrusts itself to him has nothing to fear and everything to hope for.
O my God, grant me the grace to live the life of faith, not to look at people and things in a human way but supernaturally so as to communicate God in each thing, in every circumstance.
O divine Spirit, I offer you my heart and my soul; envelop me. Make me live no longer except in you; may I be only one with you.
Holy Spirit, come into my soul to give it light in everything: strength in combat, enlightenment in doubt, and joy in action.
Make me part of your union with God, O my good father, St. Francis de Sales, and of that interior spirit which knows how to do everything with God and nothing without him!
I resolve, O my Jesus, to go and knock constantly at the door of your Heart to ask you for the alms of charity when I have to speak to or deal with my neighbor.
O my God, make my heart attentive to your requests and generous to give them to you.
Count on the help of Our Lord; he will never fail you. Enter into the way that is traced for you with all confidence. The path is sown with thorns but he who puts them there will know how to make us use them to attain the goal that we have set for ourselves.
My good Father, St. Francis de Sales, give me your spirit, your heart. Ask St. Jane de Chantal to give me all her firmness as well as her compassion and her heart for the neighbor.
O my God, alms are given to the poor; see my misery and have pity on me. I cannot be the most innocent, the most faithful, the most loving soul of your divine Heart, O Jesus. Well, then, I will be the little beggar of Jesus’ Heart. You will not refuse me alms.
Continue to entrust everything to God, absolutely everything you have to do so that he may teach you more and more the happiness of living in union with him.
I understand the difficulties that you are going through and I would worry a little if I did not know how much Our Lord loves to be the strength of souls who abandon themselves to him, who count on his love and help for everything.
Take your rest with complete confidence and abandonment in our good Savior. He loves you and will take charge of smoothing the difficulties on the road that you have to travel.