Rev. John W. Crossin, OSFS, Ph.D.

Oblate Priest, Theologian, Ecumenist

Publications Videos & Presentations Articles

Rev. John W. Crossin, OSFS, Ph.D.

1947- 2023

Crossin Oblate Family Partnership

Building Ecumenical Bridges Guided by the Spirit

The family of Fr. Crossin together with his Oblate brothers and colleagues in the ecumenical world have joined together to honor his life’s work. Since Fr. John’s passing, a partnership has been formed to promote his publications and continue the ecumenical dialogue to which he dedicated this life.

We look forward to sharing Fr. John’s work through these initiatives:

Videos from the Symposium at Washington Theological Consortium: Honoring Fr. John Crossin’s work:

This video features the panel of theologians at the Symposium discussing Fr. Crossin’s legacy and his book. Speakers were: Dr. Timothy Sedgwick, Professor Emeritus of Christian Ethics, Virginia Theological Seminary (Episcopalian), Fr. Don Heet, OSFS, Parochial Vicar, St. John Neumann parish, Reston, Va. (Roman Catholic, religious order of Oblates of St. Francis de Sales), Dr. Beverly Goines,  Assistant Teaching Professor, Georgetown University (Disciples of Christ), and Dr. Kathleen Hope Brown, Saint Luke Institute, Silver Spring, Md. (Roman Catholic).

At the Symposium, after the theological panel, family and friends shared many enjoyable and moving anecdotes about Fr. Crossin. Remembrances were offered by:Jack Figel, friend and Chair of the Board of the Washington Theological Consortium, Loyes Spayd, friend and supporter, Robert Crossin, Fr. Crossin’s brother, and Dr. Mitzie Budde, of Virginia Theological Seminary.

Fr. Crossin’s Roles, Awards, & Memberships


  • Executive Director, Washington Theological Consortium

  • Executive Director, Secretariat for Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB)

  • Visiting Fellow, Woodstock Theological Center at Georgetown University

  • President, North American Academy of Ecumenists

  • Consultor to the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity at the Vatican

  • Pontifical Council’s team member for the Joint Working Group with the World Council of Churches

  • Director of Spiritual Formation at the St. Luke Institute

  • Assistant General Treasurer for the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales

  • Province Planning Committee

  • Province Vocations Committee

  • Provincial Counselor of the Wilmington-Philadelphia Province


  • Interfaith Bridge Builders Award of the Interfaith Conference of Metropolitan Washington

  • Pillar of Faith Award of the Howard University School of Divinity/United Church of Christ

  • Pillar of Faith Award of the Howard University School of Divinity/United Church of Christ


  • Catholic Theological Society of America

  • Society of Christian Ethics

  • Thomas More Society of Washington

  • De Sales University Board

  • Ethics Committee at Providence Hospital (D.C.)


Videos & Presentations


“Fr. Crossin, ecumenical expert and US bishops' former advisor, dies at 75, National Catholic Reporter,

“Will Christian Unity Come Sooner Than We Think,” Ecumenical Trends, 51/1 (January/February 2022):18-23,

Moving into the Ecumenical Future,” Louvain Studies 44(2021): 152-172.

“Moral Actions: The Person Acting and Pope Francis,” Ecumenical Trends 47/5 (May 2018): 7-10, 14-15.

Occasional Reflections on the Declaration on the Way,” Ecumenical Trends 46/6 (June 2017): 1-3.

“Ecumenical Reflections on Moral Discernment,” Journal of Ecumenical Studies (Fall 2015): 561-82.

“The Church: Towards a Common Vision,” Ecumenical Trends 43/10 (November 2014):2-4.

“Prudence and the Future: An Ecumenically Shaped Ethic,” Journal of Ecumenical Studies 45:3 (Summer 2010): 426-32

“Christian Identities: Necessary but not Sufficient,” Ecumenical Trends 38/2 (February 2009):17-18, 30.

“Ecumenical Relationships and Dialogue Today: Insights from the Salesian Tradition,” in Human Encounter in the Salesian Tradition (Rome: International Commission for Salesian Studies, 2007): 409-424.

“What Does God Want Us to Do? A Meditation on Discernment,” Ecumenical Trends 36/10 (November 2007):145-149.

Love for the Poor: God’s Love for the Poor and the Church’s Witness to It” co-authored with Shaun Casey, Eric H. Crump, A. Katherine Grieb, Beverly Mitchell and Ann K. Riggs for the National Council of Churches of Christ, 2005.

Virtue as an Ecumenical Ethic,” Ecumenical Trends (February 2005): 28-31.

Salesian Mysticism,” Review for Religious 62/2 (2003): 144-52.

Reflections on Salesian Anthropology” in With Mind and Heart Renewed: A Festschrift for John F. Harvey, OSFS (Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 2001).

“A Meditation on Humility,” in We Are All Brothers-3: A collection of essays in honor of Archbishop Vsevolod of Scopelos, Ed. Jack Figel (Fairfax, VA: Eastern Christian Publications, 2007): 181-91.

“The Holy Spirit: Ecumenical Reflections,” in Seminary Ridge Review (Autumn 2006):5-11. [This is an address given at the Opening Academic Convocation of Gettysburg Lutheran Seminary.]

[19th Annual] Bernardin Lecture on Jewish-Catholic relations

Article on Fr. John’s newest book: Christian unity may not be so far off, says former head of bishops’ ecumenical office

Crossin-Oblate Family Partnership Team

Fr. John’s siblings (Ann Crossin Larkin; Jim Crossin and Bob Crossin)

Oblates of St. Francis de Sales (Fr. Jack Kolodziej, Provincial Superior; Bro. Dan Wisniewski, Assistant Provincial, and Paula M. Riley, Communications Director);

Mitzi Budde, D.Min, Head Librarian and Arthur Carl Lichtenberger Chair for Theological Research at Virginia Theological Seminary;

Loyes Spayd, Daughter of St. Francis de Sales, Author, Retired Religious Educator, Pastoral Minister, and Parishioner of Saint John Neumann in Reston, VA;

Leslie Miller, a former reporter for the Arlington Catholic Herald (and former member of St. John Neumann parish, where John was in residence) who wrote an article about Fr. Crossin’s book that was published in the Herald before John died.