I wanted to be a dentist since 5th grade. My classmates had other aspirations, but I loved teeth.  

When I was a junior in high school I worked as an assistant in a dental clinic in downtown Toledo. I loved the job and worked there for three years. I sterilized equipment, delivered instruments, and assisted on some procedures. Also, I was particularly adept at taking dental x-rays of children who had a propensity to bite fingers.

I fell in love with dentistry after one particular patient. This patient came to the clinic and never smiled. He would hide his teeth behind his lips in embarrassment. Over a few appointments, the dentist worked on his teeth. There are few things more intimate than dental work. After a few visits, the dentist gave this young man his smile back. I remember seeing the patient walk out of the clinic, he could not stop smiling.  

As you know, I journeyed to a different vocation. During my novitiate with the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales, I discovered the God of our hearts who is present and constantly at work. Although I like this image of the cardiologist God, I have to admit, I am partial to the image of the dentist God who scrapes, drills, fills, and straightens. God’s work is intimate and uncomfortable AND needed. This is a God who gives me my smile back.

In the Introduction to the Devout Life Part I, Ch. 2, St. Francis gives us an image of true holiness as “sweet, happy, and lovable.” This image is contrary to the popular and inaccurate belief that truly holy and devout persons have, “discontented, gloomy, sullen faces and claims that devotion brings on depression and unbearable moods.” Instead, Francis writes about the attractiveness of holiness: “Their faces are beautiful and joyous because they accept all things meekly and mildly.” I think Francis would love the image of the dentist God bringing smiles back!

Our God will continue to work on our hearts and teeth because our journey is not yet complete. I can’t help but smile knowing God is near, knowing God is here.  

May God be Praised! 

Fr. Joe Newman, OSFS
Toledo-Detroit Province


