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“I Am Here for You”: The Challenge of Being Present
After completing my internship as a hospital chaplain, I wanted to share one of my biggest lessons. How can we release the need to control and instead show up in a way that Christ has shown up for us? How can we be present in our lives in a way that serves both God and others?...
Visits to Our Mother
As a child, I received my love and support of the Blessed Mother from my parents. As my devotion to Mary has increased over the years, I have been able to honor her through my travels. How can visiting Marian shrines strengthen your devotion?...
Turning to Mary
Like Francis de Sales and many of the great saints, we may struggle with disappointment, sorrow, and anxiety. We need encouragement and hope to help us find true peace and joy. How can turning to Mary help us?...
Vocation Story
Over this week I met with the Oblates who are directly involved in our vocation and formation programs. Everyone has their own unique stories and experiences of their vocation journey. As I prepare to celebrate 15 years as an Oblate, here is mine…
Always Time to Build and Rebuild
Recently I visited Oblate apostolates that are experiencing change, building and rebuilding, to expand their future. As I toured these places, I was brought to reflect on how we continuously build and rebuild our spiritual lives…
St. Dominic
It is in our nature to want to avoid failure, but that very failure can lead to and help us succeed, this is especially true in spiritual life. How does St. Francis de Sales encourage us to embrace and love our flaws and failures?…
Religious Life is Alive!
Participating in two recent events broadened my view of the future of religious life in our country and our world. Meeting young people who are willing to be witnesses to the Gospel in the world today renewed my call to live as a religious and gives me hope in the future...
Delighting and Inviting
Like many of you, I am fortunate to have an incredible travel experience this summer that I will not soon forget. I have spent the past weeks in Annecy, France with brother Oblates from around the world. There are many stories and insights to share, but I want to focus on the lessons I learned from the gathering table...
Kindness and Good Will
Sometimes we find ourselves thinking, talking, and acting from our heads rather than our hearts. Fr. Paul shares a few lessons he has learned about heart to heart speaking and how it leads to deeper connection…
I Look to the Mountains
For the last two weeks I have been in Annecy, France attending the General Chapter of the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales. Surrounded by beautiful mountains, I cannot help but reflect on their deep symbolism, their references in the bible, and their connection to Salesian Spirituality...
Open Our Eyes
In his many ministries, including working with suffering veterans through the Fort Freedom program, Fr. Joe strives to see God in all people and circumstances. How can we learn from Fr. Joe and apply the motto of his ministry to our lives as a tool to help make God visible in our world?...
To Be Like Him
For a long time, I believed that my older brother and I were nothing alike, aside from both being Oblate priests. However, in his major works, St. Francis de Sales makes the point that we become like what we love. How is this reflected in our lives and how can this teaching help us be more like Jesus…
The Rule of Life
St. Benedict’s “rule of life” was written to help the monks, however, following his guidelines is not just for religious orders. How can we apply it in our lives to help create a balanced and simple strategy to embrace faith and live Jesus? …
Doing the Ordinary Extraordinarily
We live in the ordinary and many of us thrive with routine. Salesian Spirituality reminds us time and again of the power each ordinary moment holds. How can we make our daily lives and routines moments to praise God?…
Falling, Healing, Persevering
When I was a senior at DeSales University I joined the cycling team. I enjoyed the sport but quickly learned that even the best cyclists fail. How can the classic saying “get back up and try again” be applied to our spiritual lives?
Private Audience with Pope Francis: A Personal Catholic Spiritual Journey
Fr. Mathias Kumar, OSFS, shares his spiritual journey that led him across continents and cultures culminating in a profound encounter with Pope Francis in Vatican Rome.
You’ve Gotta Have Heart!
Sometimes we find ourselves thinking, talking, and acting from our heads rather than our hearts. Fr. Paul shares a few lessons he has learned about heart to heart speaking and how it leads to deeper connection…
Summer Rest
St. Francis tells us there is a spiritual element to everything we do - even sleep. How can we look to Jesus, Joseph, and our patrons to lean the art of rest…